@voltronic My issue was not knowing if all my old programs would run on the new OS. We've had all sorts of problems at work with the new machines not wanting to talk to the OTHER computers on the network, esp since we have a mixed Mac/PC network.
Also found out that after the upgrade, if my computer was running a screen saver, I couldn't get Remote Desktop to fully connect. Had to disable the saver.
Going to try with the screen sleeping instead. Don't like to leave it on all the time.
@voltronic I'll check it. I know that I can connect to the machine if the saver is not running, but gives me a grey screen if it is. I know it's still available because I can connect to the *drives* attached to it (that have been previously mapped), and to my Calibre library running on it even with the grey CRD screen.
It's maddening lol