#politics Tom Nichols in his recent article in The Atlantic had it right. Trump’s base LOVES his outrageousness, his racism, his misogyny, his immorality, his disparagement of military heroes. Because it’s an affront to the people they hate, and giving them the middle finger is great! Thinking that each new Trump scandal/threat to democracy/violence approval/sedition will turn his supporters away - “We’ll, they have to come to their senses now.” - misses the point.
@gshevlin Evidence of what?
@gshevlin Of Black and Latino men going over to Trump? No evidence yet because we haven’t had the election. But polls and focus groups indicate it.
@johnldeboer I think that any highly misogynist male voters will vote for him.
Whether that equates to an increase in support amongst minority males will be interesting to see.
@gshevlin They wouldn’t have to even be misogynist - just male-centric types for whom a woman president would be unacceptable. Despite the proven strong leadership female heads of state have already demonstrated - like in the UK, in Israel, in Germany.
@johnldeboer @gshevlin Unfortunately. Misogyny/misogynoir. Machismo. Rappers support him. So do the fellas on the street. But in a real Trump Reich? Black and Latino people will be the first to go.
@Iveyjanette1 Yup.
@johnldeboer Evidence?