
Will any trial of Trump’s multiple indictments actually get underway before the 2024 election? Doubt it. So the only thing Trump has to do to stay out of jail is to win that election. All the indictments will then be quashed. No trials. Like it never happened.

@johnldeboer Yep and as slovenly and hideous as he is I wouldn't count his return completely out as much as I do not want to live through that.

@MidnightRider Thanks to the Electoral College, he has a real chance to win. More of his people are in place in key positions in key states, and voter suppression measures have been enacted to ensure low opposition turnout.

@johnldeboer Add that to the fact the real owners of this country love to see us hate each other and be at each other's throats.

@MidnightRider So sad. Never thought I’d see this country on the verge of autocracy. Shows how fragile our democracy was and no one realized it - until Trump showed the way.

@johnldeboer He's flamboyant but in reality? The USG has always been a rigged game.

@MidnightRider I grant you that it has historically been rigged in favor of the powerful, but Trump dared to let this secret out into the open, while letting the white working class air their grievances that the “others” were taking away their right to power.

@johnldeboer Grew up in NY, Trump has been a legendary Dick for most of my life. Also stupid, an apology and return of documents and none of this happens but he can ever be wrong, he's got a screw loose.

@johnldeboer maybe the federal ones, but not the one expected out of Georgia in a few weeks.

@Darkenyght1701 The key is to get the trials underway before the election. If Trump wins, he can quash indictments, but I don’t think he can cancel trials. And the DOJ can preempt any state AG, so indictments in NY and Georgia won’t be safe either.

@johnldeboer so my ex wife used to be an AUSA for the EDVA.
I asked her to backstop me on this
She had a two word message for you .
" You're wrong"

@johnldeboer the part of " DoJ can overrule any indictments from a state AG".
In truth, they can't.
The only way DoJ can get involved on the state level is if there is a violation of federal law, which in neither the GA nor the NY indictments is the case.
Both indictments are on violations of state laws.

@Darkenyght1701 Yes, but can’t it be argued that federal law is involved? Trying to change Georgia votes wasn’t aimed at the governor’s race, after all, but in the vote for president. And it’s federal law that makes the Georgia result part of the Electoral College. Sorry, but I’m thinking like a Trump DOJ might approach the issue. And as convoluted as this attempt might be, bear in mind there’s a Supreme Court which might just agree with it.

@johnldeboer no, because of the simple fact he asked the GA SoS to " find" 11k+ votes to throw the election in his favor, which would violate GA election law.
And they can " approach " it until the sun becomes a red giant. Doesn't change the fact they wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on.
You HAVE seen the mental midgets that work as his lawyers?
Rudy has already been disbarred twice, and just might be a codefendant in GA.
John Eastman is a clueless jackass.

@Darkenyght1701 Well, the issue might be moot, as the Georgia legislature is looking into how they can remove prosecutors. Should’ve seen that coming.

@johnldeboer and every DA in Georgia is up in arms against it.
it's called subverting the will of the people

@Darkenyght1701 Yeah, well, they’re against it. Big surprise. But DeSantis has already done it in his state. Georgia now has the power to do that too.

@johnldeboer and on appeal it would be overturned on the grounds of voter nullification

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN If he doesn’t win, no problem then. But if he does, and the Georgia trial hasn’t started yet, his DOJ can overrule any state AG’s case if they can argue the case involves federal law.

@johnldeboer @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN If he wins it will be four years of revenge only focus in governance. The secondary goal will be maintaining the office beyond what is normal. It will be grim for everyone except his followers.

@MidnightRider @johnldeboer @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN

My 2¢: we didn't think he could win in 2016 and then TFG became president. I do not take it for granted that he won't win next year. I have never prayed for an aneurysm as hard as I am now. A literal act of God would have to neutralize him at this point.

@publickovacs @johnldeboer @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN How about some reasonable justice? I don't care if he lives he just needs to get in the back seat instead of driving the USA bus.

I would love reasonable justice but there are giant crowds of MAGAts who would not recognize it as justice at all and that would still be an issue

@johnldeboer @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN

@publickovacs @MidnightRider @johnldeboer @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN
It would be. And I can envision the ensuing violence and calamities they would visit upon every one. But it can't go unchecked. 🤷🏻‍♀️

@CinnamonGirlE @publickovacs @MidnightRider @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Trump is blatantly using that threat of violence in his campaign. Some judge needs to put a gag order on such inflammatory speech.

@johnldeboer @CinnamonGirlE @publickovacs @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN He's under a gag order the DOJ lacks the balls to enforce it, you or I would be in jail already.

@MidnightRider @CinnamonGirlE @publickovacs @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN It’s my understanding that Trump is under a gag order in the NY hush money case, but only as it involves social media. I’m unaware of gag orders in the federal indictments.

@johnldeboer @CinnamonGirlE @publickovacs @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I thought the DOJ enacted one, certainly he was instructed not to slander and libel Jack Smith but I could be completely mistaken about that.

@MidnightRider @CinnamonGirlE @publickovacs @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I’m just not sure what speech proscriptions have been imposed on Trump in the Smith cases so far, if any. Anyone know that answer?

@johnldeboer @CinnamonGirlE @publickovacs @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN In general, what do you suppose would happen to a regular citizen taunting the prosecutor before trial? Why do we lay down as citizens and allow politicians to enjoy a monarchy?

@MidnightRider He’d be sanctioned, for sure. This regular citizen’s lawyers would caution him not to do it for that reason. The lawyers can question prosecution motives in public statements, but the client would be advised to stay mute. They don’t call lawyers mouthpieces for nothing!

@johnldeboer I'm going to assume you would also advise him not to do what he always does and make up a fourth grader taunt (often based on the target's name) to bloat his ego and placate his sycophants.

@MidnightRider @CinnamonGirlE @publickovacs @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Okay, in the classified documents case, Trump has been barred from disclosing evidence to the public and discussing the case with his co-defendants, but he can still rail against Smith and the DOJ in his rallies, as far as I know.

@MidnightRider @publickovacs @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN If he loses the election, I predict he’ll try for a deal(s) with Smith to keep him out of prison. I think Smith, for the good of the country (shades of the Ford pardon of Nixon) will be amenable. But will NY and Georgia? That’s the question.

I would be happy w the outcome if the deal was that he gets to not go to prison in exchange for never running for elective office again

@MidnightRider @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN

@publickovacs @johnldeboer @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN * But goes directly to jail if he writes or speaks about the outcome*

The judge in the FL classified docs case - a Trump appointee - has already set a trial date for May of next year; dead in the heart of presidential primary season.
And today, Jack Smith requested a speedy trial in the D.C. case by naming just ONE indictee: Trump.
So that way out for is narrowing by the day...

@TheEyeOfBalor Yes, all that is true, but we’ve already had delays in the documents case due to co-defendants not having found lawyers yet! Not to mention the time it will take to decide who gets security clearances and the defense demanding more time to examine all the documents. The latest indictment can be speedier, but we’ll see what delaying tactics the Trump team will come up with.

And once an American is convicted in a U.S. court of a federal felony, they CANNOT serve as POTUS.

We just have to make sure that Biden/Harris hold the White House in '24, so no GQP POTUS can grant Dump a pardon...!

@TheEyeOfBalor @johnldeboer I don't believe this is true. The only requirements for President are that you are at least 35 years of age, and a natural-born American citizen (which Ted Cruz somehow got around). I don't think there are any other requirements or limitations, which is good and bad. You can't railroad someone with a Felony to keep them out of office, bit that also means you can't keep a convicted Felon as POTUS.

@PoliticalEd @TheEyeOfBalor You’re right. A felony conviction does not preclude someone from being president.

@johnldeboer @PoliticalEd
After further research I found that you're both correct: the Constitution does not bar a convicted felon from serving in federal elected office. 😖
That said, someone convicted of "insurrection" under the 14th Amendment *can* be barred from serving in federally elected office.

@TheEyeOfBalor Unfortunately, Trump is not being charged with insurrection.

@TheEyeOfBalor Actually, being a convicted felon doesn’t bar you from being president.

I was born & raise in the Bronx in the 70s & 80, so am intimately acquainted with Dump& his family's endless criminal endeavors. The difference now is that he's going to be held accountable for the first real time in his miserable life.

Jack Smith has successfully tried *actual* dictators & their ilk at the Hague, so Dump's usual legal shenanigans won't work this time; because even if that judge he placed on the bench in FL tries to game that trial , the judge in D.C. won't!

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