A man that constantly complains he’s being treated unfairly, moans incessantly about the corrupt system out to get him, would normally be thought of as a loser - hardly a strong leader. Will MAGA supporters ever get tired of his poor-me ranting and whining? So far, they seem to love it: “Let’s make the weak crybaby our President!”

After the guilty verdict, Lara Trump said, “This is a case about politics, pure and simple.” Right you are, Lara. It was your father-in-law’s attempt to illegally affect the 2016 presidential election that was the case against him. (Dirty) politics, pure and simple.

Uh-oh. Trump’s lawyers better beware. Trump’s meandering, often times WTF rant today at Trump Tower included a few negative tidbits about the way his lawyers managed his defense. Could this be a clue they are about to be fired? And thus give Trump an excuse for stiffing them on their legal fees? Just wondering.

Obviously, it’s all about the money. The playoff system in major pro sports is a joke, especially regarding the NBA, where 2/3 of the teams get into the post-season. It’s 50% for the NHL, 44% for the NFL, and “only” 40 % of MLB teams make it to the playoffs. C’mon. Playing hard all year should matter more.

“We’re looking at that,”” Trump said two days ago when asked about his stance on contraceptives. “We’ll have a policy on that very shortly.” Years after his promise of a health care plan layout to replace Obamacare, I’m still waiting for it. This latest statement is sure to follow the same path to nowhere, once reasonable consultants tell him it’s a loser.

Alito strikes again! What an idiot. Another insurrectionist flag at another of his homes documented. Can’t wait to hear what story he makes up about this one.

Really, Nikki? You’re going to vote for Trump? Okay, I can understand why a person like you could never vote for a Democrat. But vote for a man you thought so little of you persisted in running against him when everyone else had folded? Why not just stay home on Election Day and fade away? You must know that, like Pence, there’s no place for you at the Trump table.

Reforming the Supreme Court, in light of its recent scandals and obvious political partisanship is much needed before it loses all credibility. I recommend a thorough discussion of how it could be done - without violating the Constitution: brennancenter.org/our-work/pol

Now that college classes are ending for the summer, where will the protestors go next? The’ll have to wait three months for the Democratic National Convention.

I have no idea what I did except view the settings on my iPad, but now my columns are back to normal. Whew!

Please help this computer-challenged user. My screen on this site now is widened, so I have to scroll sideways to read a post. How do I condense the posts to read like they used to?

Trump today claimed his trial was happening too fast. He didn’t say, “at warp speed,” so he missed that opportunity. But he’s trying to have it both ways. His lawyers are using the delay tactic of not stipulating to anything the prosecution presents, no matter how mundane, forcing all these boring witnesses to testify that, yes, this is the document, this is the tape, etc. It’s putting their client to sleep!

The defense in the hush money trial is emphasizing how sleazy the prosecution witnesses are. Well, duh. The whole case is sleazy, and reflects on sleazy Trump, the man behind it all. Money WAS paid to sleazy operatives to keep the sleazy stories under the rug in order not to lose votes in the election. Was Davidson running for President? Was Cohen? Was Pecker? No.

One of my pet peeves: “I graduated college in 1987.” This usage of the verb is becoming more and more prevalent. But it’s wrong. It’s supposed to be, “I graduated FROM college in 1987.” The preposition is needed for the verb; otherwise, the verb makes no sense: You graduated college into what or compared to what?

So what do college basketball coaches say now when they recruit a high school player? “Hey, if you don’t like it after the first (or second, or third) year, you can always transfer to another school?”

There are multiple reasons for players entering the transfer portal: Not enough playing time, the coach left, better NIL prospects elsewhere, etc. The problem is, we have made it too easy to jump ship. And the result is an army of journeymen with no loyalty to a team. And thus, no loyal fan base.

Peter Navarro got a SECOND! emergency hearing at the Supreme Court regarding his incarceration during his appeal. Okay, it was rejected - again - but it speaks volumes about our two-tiered justice system. If you’re rich and connected, you go to the front of the line.

Jim Jordan going after Coca-Cola is sure to help Republicans in Georgia. Not!

Or how about this: “Nobody is entitled to absolute immunity unless they’re Republican government officials or relatives of same.”

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John L. DeBoer

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.