No dice. Looks like *something* is corrupted on this host. Going to have to reload it... And hope that it rejoins the vSAN cluster without too much of a fight.
Hey that wasn't too bad.
- Reinstalled ESXi
- Configured management network
- Reconnected to vCenter
- Reconnected dvSwitches
- Configured vmk interfaces for vSAN, vMotion
- `esxcli vsan cluster join -u {UUID}`
- ???
- Profit
A few minor tweaks to clear health alarms but everything came back up without too much fuss.
Sweet, now I can get back to the projects I had intended to work on this morning...
@XSGeek Yep, that's the dream.
I love working with imaginary computers but the real computers on which they run can be pretty frustrating at times.
And now I'm trying to use gparted.iso to reset the root password on another ESXi 7.x host which disconnected from vCenter overnight and refused to accept *any* of our known-good credentials.
What a day this morning has been.