I've been posting these daily on Twitter, so I guess I'll start doing so here. I've got a [free] daily (m-f) newsletter on tech/cyber/datasci/cool things 1-3-ish topics.

Today's features [Academic] Honeypots 🍯; "Mess With DNS"!; and, In Ganymede's Shadow


Global Entry expires this year. I received an email notice *months* early. The renewal process was *painless*. Now all that remains is scheduling re-interview once the automation processes the submission.

It's odd seeing the U.S. gov doing something well.

hrbrmstr boosted

@hrbrmstr go to your profile and in preferences there is an ostrich mode. You might prefer that

I had forgotten just how, er, "overwhelming" the web interface to CoSo can be.

hrbrmstr boosted

I'm hosting a free, virtual cybersecurity conference on Sunday. If you want to learn about some infosec basics and also a bunch of practitioners' fun hobbies, tune in via pancakescon.com - we have a slack, villages, CTF, and streams will be posted there.


CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.