Really love the framing on this. </sarcasm> What they really mean is Apple is ethically honoring the wishes of sites to not scrape their data.
It's amazing that ethical behavior is somehow a negative.
@holon42 I know, but still kudos to Apple for respecting it.
oh yes. i respect their decision on that issue.
but zuck just sucks so hard he'll turn inside out one day.
@holon42 He's another one of the broligarchs, he's just *slightly* less obvious about it. He'd happily sell out democracy for his bottom line. (as he's doing now...)
yes, it's been obvious since the day he stole facebook so he could critique and label all the women on campus.
he's a sicko🤮, a reincarnated weirdo🤣🤣🤣🤣
@holon42 @sfleetucker I spoke with him at some length during the transition period where he was trying to graduate The Face Book into a public, commercial site.
He is every bit as loathsome as you imagine and more.
On the bright side, I get to put "I once cussed out Mark Zuckerberg and hung up on him" on my list of accomplishments.
@AskTheDevil @holon42 On behalf of all of us, thanks...
He turned rule34 into a data scraping engine and sells our privacy to anyone...
a prophetic word‼️
it's not hard to see someone like that getting richer and more loathsome.