“The Trinity, as three different states of the unity is also a
Christian thought."
sun symbol.
“Now these differences in the seasons refer to the Sun, which seems at
the winter solstice an infant,
at the vernal equinox it is represented as a youth.
Later, at the summer solstice, its age is represented by a full growth of beard
while at the last, the god is represented by the gradually diminishing
form of an old man.”
CGJung on symbols of the libido.
“the gods are libido.
It is that part of us which is immortal,
since it represents that bond through which we feel that in the race we are never extinguished.
It is life from the life of mankind.
Its springs, which well
up from the depths of the unconscious, come, as does our
life in general,
from the root of the whole of humanity, since we are indeed only a twig broken off from the
mother and transplanted.”