Hi! I also got a mastodon acct, henwhen@mastodon online

Hey, New Folks !

My greatest Buddhist teachings:

(There ain't no free lunch, and you can't get away with shit.)

If someone bought you a spectacular lunch, you would be grateful.
If they did it day after day....
You might say, "Hey, why don't I pick up the tab today"

Please support this place.

Not right away, you are welcome to use this for free.

But think about it.

This place is still mostly funded by one person, buying us all a spectacular meal, day after day.


So many people are testing positive for COVID and assholes still don't wanna wear a mask or get vaccinated.

The pandemic isn't over!

One of the things that goves me hope on these uncertain times is the BuildSoil community, where you can go and learn about food gardening and soil building to help our ecological crisis. It's an amazing resource for and community of gardeners. The organizers are looking for additional monthly supporters to keep their servers and programs going. Hope you can help out! account.venmo.com/u/buildsoil

Will the net to catch "others" catch "real Americans™" too?
Of course it will
The purpose of control is control

This evening I will be at my local federal courthouse, being loud. Don't wait for someone else to do something. We save ourselves by being loud and showing up, appearing unpredictable unmanageable, unmollifiable (sp? Who cares?) til we get the extra 6 scotus justices our dem pres-sen-house trifecta could -absolutely get us if they actually f-ing cared about rights and democracy.

Some day I need to read Cory Doctorow's sci fi books. What he writes about the world we are in is so interesting. Did you know Disney hasn't been paying royalties to some writers of companies they acquired? They say they only pur hased the 'assets' not the lliabilities. Writers are fighting back: pluralistic.net/2022/04/30/dis

I'm liking more & more every day. I really love the Community Firehose. It's like I'm walking through a park, listening in on conversations all around. Starring the toots is like a wave or a smile to the person, & I can join in if I have something to mention myself. I'm feeling at peace here. Happy. Something I haven't felt on Twitter for years.
Thank you, @th3j35t3r for all your years of hard work & the last few days of growing pains to make this place an oasis away from Twitter,

Read this: exactly the sentiments I heard, from life in Switzerland (1997-2010)...

And share it, save it, blast other SocMed sites please... (re-toot!)


I hope to see more journalists and media watchdogs find their way to CoSo.

For resistance to work it needs to be tangible and observable beyond an occasional small win in congress.

We need to take a page out of the Trumpers’ (unburnt, unbanned) books and organise, complete with identity symbols and all of it. Let them feel that they are in the minority

Acting like the culture war doesn’t exist or matter is incredibly stupid. It’s the war for who we are as a people. Some level of decency must win to have a functional society that keeps graft and corruption in check

Looking forward to this podcast by great NJ reporter Nancy Solomon link.chtbl.com/deadendpodcast

I fillowed a lot of local news reporters on twtr. Curious if they will move over here. They were great for breaking news and insights that maybe did not make it to the paper.

Hey @toddorado I apparently did not recall how to spell your name!

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