sooo ... not drag queens ... not trans ... is there some other index that we can identify here? some way of predicting elevated risk to our children?

You should be grateful Ron DeSantis is in charge in Florida and showing his hand now

Because you're getting a ring side seat, and a preview of what will happen if Republicans gain the majority they need in DC

DeSantis is a Prophet, and you need to listen

Hey. I am working with @stueytheround on a music project for J. (See )
We need input from a lot of folks. Would you consider contributing something? Any instrument or singing appreciated. We need lots of chorus singers!
We promise to make you sound great!
DM one of us for ref file and a lead sheet.
We need all files by end of July so we can complete by CoSo birthday.
Are you in?

Newcastle's 'Dog Leap Stairs' in 1889. Also visible: the Black Gate and the spire of St Nicholas's Cathedral.


Yuval Noah Harari argues that AI has hacked the operating system of human civilisation
Storytelling computers will change the course of human history, says the historian and philosopher


a parable [by the brilliant A. R. Moxon] on gun violence in modern American culture.

no one writes on modern political culture with quite as much creativity [or acerbic edge] as Moxon.

A. R. Moxon's eloquent musing on Jordan Neely, and on the systemic problems that led to his brutal killing.


Jordan Neely Was a Person


Surprising Ways to Use Everyday Kitchen Items, From a Cast Iron Skillet to a Teaspoon
Bet you didn't realize these cooking essentials had so many hidden talents.

Show more

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