I'm seeing an increasing number of "Kennnedy '24" bumper stickers around the Portland, OR area, and it's making me nervous. I'm worried that RFK is going to be the new Bernie for privileged, ignorant white liberals, simply because he's the only 3rd option they've seen on their tightly curated social media feeds - and they're desperate to break from our two-party system, regardless of who it is they vote for.
@Ubiety Let us hope that remains a lunatic fringe, warning: Brain out of order
@Ubiety He might also draw 🍊 voters. I just wish it was over
@gemswinc if they are serious about cutting the microphones to control the debate civility, there is no way Trump can win. But whatever out clause he’s thinking of has to make him look good.
@gemswinc I doubt Trump will show up. He'll make some excuse that it is Biden's fault. 🤔 #Trump