@gemswinc Keep thinking of Scrooge... "Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?"
What's the point here? They're going to fine them? They're going to jail them? WHich does what? Overcrowd the jails further, and makes it harder for them to get housing in the future... if not impossible, which leads to what?
Criminalizing existence doesn't seem to be the way to fix this. It's like they expect homeless folk to throw up their hands and go, "Oh well, guess I need to rent now!"
It is a profoundly complicated condition.
BeLoved Asheville provides assistance to our 600+ unhomed. They provide food, clothing, women’s products, etc. But are quick to admit complications of addiction & mental illness prevent permanent solutions.
These unhomed would rather sleep outside in subzero weather than be in shelters that disallow overnight in/out or substance abuse.
Some are terrified of being locked up.
@LnzyHou You are absolutely right! No easy fixes. There is an encampment out in the Hamptons ( you know, for workers on the big estates) but from what I read, they are also being helped, rather than shunned. I was glad to hear that. @NiveusLepus
@NiveusLepus A small, cohesive country can more easily deal with the problem, than a large one full of emnity. City by city, county by county, it could be workable @LnzyHou