“ Beneath the email’s hero image of a bloodied Trump, his clenched fist in the air, Constantino issued a plea. “I don’t care what your political views are but the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far,” he wrote. “Btw, this week, get 1 shirt for $4 (normally $19). I suggest buying one that shows you support Trump.” Abridged versions were posted to the company’s Instagram and X accounts.”
He supports a criminal.
I wonder is HE is a criminal?
I unsubbed from that before you could say #golftits - plenty of other companies out there that make shirts who don't support ethnic cleansing.
"the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far"
LOL! Bro, you have no idea how far it goes and will continue to go.
And can this dipwad point me to a single instance of anyone in TFG's circle ever once suggesting the hatred has "gone too far"?
I wonder how many "Let's Go Brandon" stickers he sold?
“Almost all tech companies other than Sticker Mule are run by Democrat CEOs that create hostile environments for Trump supporters,” he said. “We gave our customers an opportunity to buy shirts for $4 to support [Trump], or whatever else they want. At the same time we educated the world that Trump supporters have big hearts.”
Bigly racist sexist hearts.