Just freaking EVIL
Ken Paxton asks Texas Supreme Court to stop Dallas woman from getting an abortion
Paxton’s office petitioned the high court just before midnight Thursday, after a Travis County district judge granted a temporary restraining order allowing Kate Cox, 31, to terminate her nonviable pregnancy. Paxton also sent a letter to three hospitals, threatening legal action if they allowed the abortion to be performed at their facility.
They are a conservative court that doesn’t really give a fuck about law.
This is all about cruelty. Paxton doesn’t give two fucks about the fetus. It’s about making her suffer.
Texas Supreme Court should have denied the petition for review. But, as I said, this is about conservatives in Texas desire to see cruelty visited on those with uteruses.
TRUE law would have them say, “What the fuck? She had bodily autonomy. Just like a man.”
In Texas, I have more rights dead.
@feloneouscat @nursefrombirth When a state says we don't want any gays, any immigrants, any women, any families including a woman, it's obvious what happens with people who have the means to flee and the abilities to earn a living in a free state. E.g. "76% of [OB-GYN] respondents said they wouldn’t even bother to apply in a state with an abortion ban like [Texas]."