Hey, could you add about 5 to 10 more pixel for column headings for Safari on iOS and iPadOS? They are really hard to hit and I have tiny hands.
@th3j35t3r @feloneouscat Unrelated but I have to solve this CHIPS cookies shit this week.
Ah! I learned something (I DO NOT enjoy website maintenance — but partner wanted a site for our wildlife management photos and stuff so…)
Anyway CHIPS sounds pretty awesome (if someone else is doing it 😝)!
Just a thanks for the column header fix. Looks PERFECT on iOS (haven’t looked on my iPad yet).
Y’all are the best!
@feloneouscat @th3j35t3r I got the iframe shit going today and now am sure I can resolve my app situation. Well, mostly sure, used chrome flags to enforce the coming regime. Every browser is going to do it. I am fortunate I noticed it coming with lead time.
Sweet! I look forward to our new partitioned cookie overlords!
@feloneouscat @th3j35t3r My issue was with an internal app, partitioning is good, I welcome it, and glad I got ahead of it for that employee app, but IP address still exists. And VPN hides it from end sites, but then, the VPN has your info from SSL decrypting, public VPN is such a scam.
Also, y’all fixed the iOS problem where it would go all goofy if I turned my phone sideways.
That is ESPECIALLY appreciated!
Just checked iPad and it is perfect as well! 👍🏼👍🏼
It would be better if Safari (and Firefox) adhered to actual WC3 standards, instead of making everybody code a different version of their product for their shitty browser.
PS: I'll see what I can do. 😬