We have a problem with guns, and we inadvertently help to sustain that problem.
When a mass shooting occurs, we blame Republicans writ large, despite the fact that gun ownership is not limited to Republicans, and despite the fact that most gun owners support reasonable reforms.
Our lack of nuance perpetuates inaction by casting fault lines along tired partisan divides, preventing us from coming together to shun a minority of gun zealots, giving their electeds excuses to keep doing nothing.
Put another way, our partisan priors prevent us from talking about this as an American problem, making it easy for the forces of evil to reframe it as a divisive political problem.
This isn't the only area in which they do this either. It's just the most glaring example after every mass shooting occurs.
We help them without even realizing it. $0.02
If I were King:
1. Every firearm would be registered and liability insured, just like automobiles, which are regulated because they too are deadly machines.
2. Firearm ownership & conditions would be legislated at the federal level.
3. Ownership of certain types of weapons would require certification, to include recurring background checks and training.
4. Gun buybacks would be federally subsidized & effectively endless.
5. Penalties for gun crimes would be severely increased.
If I were King.
@pennyphilosophy @kel
Wow! Cool!
@pennyphilosophy @kel
Good question!
@fatslothslim @kel pass it on to your tech buds, please.
it could be a game changer if the unarmed can be alerted. businesses might not be so happy to have guns on premises if they lose customers.
Good point.
@fatslothslim @kel aint impossible, why has it never been suggested by any one than us for the last 5 yrs?