"There is no Tesla CEO today." 10 Tesla Investors Lose $132.5 Billion From Musk's Twitter Fiasco.
Pretty hurtin', folks. I hope he ends up living in a Maytag box under the overpass. Musk is nothing more than a fail machine.
@Jacki - That he's nothing but a lucky jackass? I would definitely agree with that.
@esaeger yet another feature he's inherited from his good friend 🍊💩🤡
@holon42 - Lol, unbelievable isn't it.
@esaeger yes, stranger than fiction and more ironic than comedy. all live in full frontal to the entire planet.
@esaeger that smug look will be unavailable to him very soon, methinks 😎
@holon42 - Works for me. No idea what he's thinking. If he'd let Twitter alone he would have at least had some advertisers helping to pay for the, what is it, a $1 million monthly loan payment? What a colossal dunce.
@esaeger yes,he keeps flailing around, hoping his wand waving and MAGA chanting will magically get god to solve all his problems?
otherwise, it's just part of his reflexive response to unintended consequences, which would have been expected if he had a functioning brain.
what's that old adage about rising to the level of one's incompetence? fits like a 🧤
@esaeger Buying twitter will be his worst mistake ever. It revealed to millions his true nature...