Android seems to have quietly given us an easier way to do so using the Smart Text Selection feature
this new “easter egg” functionality from your Android device using the Smart Text Selection too
The tool lets you pass text that you highlighted from one app to another through the suggestions in the box.
If you highlight a phone number, you will see the Phone app in the tool box or if it’s an email address, it will suggest Gmail, and so on and so forth
@corlin 🤣
i'm a fan of the text selection tool
apparently this was added 2 weeks ago on the fly and will be faster than copying from one app pasting to another
i use WordWeb dictionary app and that app uses the txt tool also highlight any word and then tap three dot when the text selection tool-bar appears and pick WordWeb
a few apps i use have ability to use the txt selection tool Codec for encrypting/signing or encoding/decoding highlighted stuff
yes this is wonderful stuff.
I hope it migrates to all other platforms.