The whole entire shift was like we're all family You mess with one of us you mess with all of us... I know of two people that probably will not have a job as of next week and neither of them are me I'm 100% protected because these two people already have a bad history with HR, I was the one that finally had enough
@Ruthat Of course that goes without saying its already been documented like I said the whole shift has statements
@duglop That's great. I've heard some tales about HR and documents being altered or "lost" etc.
@anita_rotheram @Ruthat yeah that won't be happening here in this case... HR is not happy about this at all considering that these two individuals disrupted a whole shift more than once
@Ruthat yeah after I told him it would be best to stop and walked away the dude kept going and said if I lose my job you lose your job. So That's when he really fucked up because I would not have gone to HR, but at that point it became retaliation and a threat so he left me with no choice but to go to HR...
@Ruthat typically HR is not your friend, unless there's multiple reports of a certain individual then they will act :)
@duglop Just make sure to document everything.