@AnnetteTRemain There are numerous requirements for a felon to visit France that Trump would have to meet and some of them he can't meet...we're done now
@duglop Read the part where it says does not include questions on criminal convictions.
@AnnetteTRemain Read the whole fucking thing
@duglop Watch your tone, duglop.
@AnnetteTRemain here's the trick.... As you can see France isn't on this list either it's a different situation You have to meet certain requirements including the fact that Trump has not served his jail time yet and his case is still not closed and there's still the federal charges, And there's a couple other requirements as well Plus there is also his previous history with France ...
@AnnetteTRemain I should add that this is for a private citizen, anything else would be a different story different scenario including the probability of obtaining a security clearance which he definitely would not be able to attain
@duglop https://etias.com/articles/applying-for-etias-with-a-criminal-record US passport holders can enter for 90 days with no criminal check. The Etias doesn't prohibit it.
@duglop france isn't on the list. A lot of notable countries which would be an issue for a president to be barred from are on the list just not france.