Comments? (PS I don't know if this is real or not it's obviously not my photo but even if it isn't, what are your thoughts?)
@gls come on when they pick their nose they can also tickle themselves a little bit
@duglop blocked and reported
@Armchaircouch That's quite the comment...
hairy fingernails! 😂 @duglop
Nose picker stopper
Or Tickle Master
@duglop This is what happens if you masturbate too much.
Or so I've heard!
@duglop Maybe that's what happens when you leave these on too long? 😄
Seriously though, I think this is just someone messing around, but it's not much of a stretch. A lot of the "nail trends" are just silly. Ok for a photo op I guess.
@JoyfullyDazed So they can tickle themselves when they wipe their nose or their butt
I've seen a lot worse 🤣
@duglop it's obvious who doesn't wash their hands