Hope the weather where you are isn't too crazy & y'all are well 💙 🤗

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Last night Kraft/Heinz reported an EPS (earnings per share) higher than analysts expectations. They cited 'organic growth' as a source.
The prices on their products increased by over 15%.
Unilever raised prices ~16%
Frito-Lays more than 10%
So how does that 4-5% raise you got feel when you are in the food store now?

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The people chanting "YOU ESS AYY" and cheering Haley's saber rattling are the people who called HRC a warmonger.

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"Balloonacy" has entered the modern lexicon.

It's midweek already. Hope you're taking good care of yourself 💙 🤗

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Every time I visit my sister, she has fresh flowers waiting for me 💖

These remind me of a sunrise and I thought you also might enjoy their lovely colors 😍

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Everything has stabilized here finally. Health insurance is back. Job is back. Future plans have been made. We’re good.

Now all I gotta do is get my sleep under control. I literally sleep anytime I’m not working on anything. I can’t even do anything fun because I’m so fukkin tired 😴

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From the SETI institute:
"Mount Rainier in Washinton state is 4,392 meters tall, the tallest volcano in the Cascade Volcanic Arc. During a recent sunrise, the volcano cast its shadow on the rather low altitude cloud deck over Puyallup, Washington. Photograper Lisa Bishop captured the moment in this gorgeous image.

Credit: Lisa Bishop"

Roses are red ❤️
Violets are blue 💙
Republicans want to cut ✂️ Medicare & Social Security 🏥
And Medicaid too 👩‍⚕️

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Happy Friday my friends 💙

Please take extra good care of yourselves this weekend

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@Bluecrystal1969 @PhoenixRising34 And I've been trying to reply to Phee (on the jewelry thing) but it won't go. Maybe later. 🤷‍♀️

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