if a majority of americans support mass deportations, that just shows that a majority of americans are callous and racist. sometimes the majority is wrong.
@AskTheDevil it was actually the moderators who said that, not vance. not really sure what to make of that. :/
@dietotaku Trump said it, the moderators brought it up and gave Walz an opportunity to address that wild accusation that he wants people aborting in or (after 9 months) and then to ask Vance what he thinks of Trump saying that untrue thing.
@AskTheDevil right but that's abortion, i was referring to this: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4885895-mass-deportation-immigration-poll/
and making the argument that sometimes the majority of americans are wrong. i don't care if 99% of americans support mass deportations, it's still the wrong thing to do.
@dietotaku Thank you.
@dietotaku Maybe: If the Republicans are claiming that, it's because it's not true.
It's like with Trump's crowd sizes.
You know how you get Hitlers? By convincing people most of their neighbors want them. You try to inflate your numbers and perceived mandate, because you don't you don't have them.