Wow, my last post was 4 years ago. Where does the time go?

Tried to share this and shared another song:

I go blind‬
‪54-40 ‬
‪ ‬

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If you aren’t from Canada, you might not know about 54-40. Love this one by them!

I love the store owner’s response:

If you are really concerned about animal cruelty, protest Macdonald’s and leave the little mom & pop shop alone.

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I was in a hotel room a month ago flipping television stations & got to an evangelical show where reverend ‘Bakker’(?) stopped plugging a book to say, “You know that the hand of God touches Donald Trump!” and he got applauded. This was a month ago, not during the election!?!
It was like watching a frick’n car accident... I couldn’t look away.

Enjoy this:

It doesn’t bother me that shitholes like Woods create false either/or polarities like this, (that distract from bigotry and racism), nearly as much it it bothers me that 26,000+ ignorant people chose to publicly ‘Like’ what he said.

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Trumps Wall Street Journal interview. Read this (if you can), then let it sink in - this utter fuckup is the President.

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@cephalopie @CherNohio

There's a zero percent chance of me shuttering CoSo - no matter what. Our lights are staying on.

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