Well, it's about my bedtime. I was at work until about 7:30 tonight getting ready for the start of spring semester classes tomorrow. This semester is special. My school is down a #science teacher so different ones of us have been sacrificing our planning period to teach a section. I volunteered this time so I'll be teaching 28 9th graders all about Earth and Environmental Science, from astronomy to sustainability.
I should be exhausted, and I am, but I'm so excited for tomorrow. 🥰
~Good Night~
@allin 4 preps, 1 course each, 4 90-minute classes but the other 3 are mostly turn-key so I can focus my efforts on the new one. Another teacher let me copy her course content. I'm not having to do this from scratch but I am trying to make it my own.
@danielbsmith Im curious as to how many preps you have and how many classes of each prep. Hope you get some good rest. Zzzzzzzzzz…..