@Museek I live in Atlantic Canada. We get lots of fog here. Sometimes right at sunrise of just after the sun sets you can be driving along and you get the Silent Hill vibe. It's creepy cool.
@Museek Next time I'm out and it's foggy I'll try to get some pics. We're a mix of wooded and farmland area so the effect can be really cool.
@Museek Success. I combed through my many folders of pictures to find this one. Wasn't easy🤣
It is some ice fog and a sun dog in the same image. I took this one on my way to work one morning.
@Tacitus_Kilgore amazing photo! Thank you! Looks like Northern Exposure. Lol
It does look like Northern Exposure… just need that adorable Moose moseying down the Main Street.
@QueenOfEverything Usually it's coyotes or red foxes that are seen most in town. But the occasional moose, elk and deer will venture that far in. In the residential areas it's all those, with Grizzles. I lived about 8km outside of the city and there were wolves too. @Museek
That’s an amazing number of feral neighbors to live with. Did you all get along together or need special fencing?
@Tacitus_Kilgore @QueenOfEverything @Museek
What? No wolverines? 😅
@danalan LoL. No. Not that I seen of ever heard of, although they are there. You have to realize that there are only 44,000 people living in the entire Yukon which has more land area than Texas. Lots of forest to go unseen in. @QueenOfEverything @Museek