My Octopus Teacher
This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. Nothing about its subject would suggest greatness, but it was perfectly crafted.
It’s such a simple movie but it packs a surprising emotional wallop and is philosophically rich. Even (or perhaps especially) the bits that seem problematic are thought-provoking. Highly recommended.
I'll need to look for this as well...
I read this book, recommended to me by @altamaha , and REALLY enjoyed it... It was eye opening as to the true conscious nature of other species...
@InvaderGzim @stark @corlin I never thought about octopuses the same again 🐙
that looks amazing, tyvm for the recommendation.
I saw the trailer for this and immediately thought "as soon as this comes out in Sweden, I'm watching this".
I need to check Netflix here and see if they've made it available.