
Holy schnikees, Weather Underground.

It's crazy-hot out right now, but can this feels-like of 123° be true? (actual current screenshot)

The weather screen on my phone says that the feels-like is only 113, but either way, that's deadly.

@codeWhisperer When I lived in El Paso for 2 years it was 115*F all summer long. A big reason why I moved! And now, climate change is spreading that heat.

I'm just so glad that climate change is a hoax, otherwise we'd be headed for some serious trouble.


@codeWhisperer Did a spot check of some weather stations around Dallas, looks like ~60% humidity (along with ~100 degree temps). So yeah, absolutely possible.

@codeWhisperer We had a station like that yesterday here in St Louis: Air temp was 102, feels like temp was 129.

I think someone put the wrong dewpoint temp / relative humidity reading into the data.


Yikes! 😳

Is this the part when you fry an egg on your sidewalk, cause that would probably work.

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