Little Miss Attitude is VERY interested in my halftime guacamole and chips. Unfortunately, my guacamole contains multiple ingredients that are toxic or dangerous to #dogs - onion, avocado, garlic, jalapeño pepper, tomato, and seasonings. The lime might be okay. However, the chips topped with melted cheese are custom made for this little cutie. #DogsOfCoSo
@TrueBloodNet This fellow was my first shelter dog, adopted in 1987 when nobody knew much about food effects on dogs. One day I saw him playing with a red ball, then realized that we didn’t own a red ball. Turns out it was a tomato, and he had carefully bitten holes in it and was slurping up the juice inside. He was fine.
@cassandra17lina Yeah. Many of the food issues are breed specific tbh or long term issues. :) I had a goldie that ate a whole bag of chocolate kisses.. foil and all. Luckily, no issues.
@cassandra17lina I often wonder how dogs in Italy ever survive when you add in the availability of grapes.