@USAPatriot or any other #beekeepers have you any opinions on the Flow Hive? When we eventually buy a home I want to have bees and wonder if this is worth it.
i've been getting their emails for years, but can't do a beehive. i'd love to though, and their setup looks great.
@AlphaCentauri @holon42 @Mrs_Bones @cruftbox @SandHillThicket @wanderingnotlost I've been a beekeeper for several years now. I've made a lot of mistakes, the biggest one being that I knew more than the bees! I would highly recommend starting small, with langstroth frames and learn how to manage the bees and let them do their thing. You can add supers/frames/hives etc later. Flow frames are not simple for a beekeeper and are less than ideal for bees. Start simple!