Good morning! I’m enjoying the delicious fruits of my labor this weekend. 😃 Strawberry season!

The change in the bird app TOS is soooo SUS. That place creeps me out now. Just feels like it’s going to get super toxic as soon as M takes over.

Leslie boosted

I'm listening to the rain tap gently on the windows
While the dog snuffle-snores against my leg
And the occassional ding-ding-ding of a large drip hitting the fireplace flashing.
I ground some cinnamon in my coffee this morning
That I'll sip in solitude
Until the rest of the house wakes up.
Deep breaths before the work starts.

Get up, get dressed, rock the day, rage against the evangelicals, rinse repeat.

Leslie boosted

My garden is enjoying the sunshine! I’m a little obsessed with this petunia: Picasso in purple.

Sir Frostalot and I are new around here, but he’s got your entertaining commentary.

Leslie boosted

Curious about this thing. Excited to be here. The future of social media is now…

Leslie boosted

@betweentheworlds he's a beauty. I'm sure the rest of the will be fighting over him ☺️
Welcome to CoSO!

Hello - I will occasionally post photos of this glorious monster, Frost. He of the green eyes and deadly claws is watching a bird feeder in this picture, contemplating death and mayhem while looking gorgeous… as one should.

Any fans? :D So close to getting it on the 2nd try!!! Wordle 314 3/6


Ooh exciting!!! We’re back! 😃 Good morning CS. My apologies - I was one of the defectors causing all this. How is everyone?

I, too, am fleeing the bird app and it’s new dark overlord. 👀 DM
Likes books, travel, yoga, walkable cities, forests, gaming.. and ritual magic in the hinterlands with fire and wild things.

Leslie boosted

Heads up people! Crazy day. We are monitoring server loads and are working to expand resources as necessary. Apologies for any minor outages. Growing pains ya'll.

Welcome to everyone who made it.



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