
another sideways do you fix this?

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@babywhisperer14 You have to make a small edit to the picture then re-save it and upload; like a tiny crop or color correction. It's because phones store rotational data in metadata, and that gets stripped here, but re-saving it bakes the rotation info in safely

I Just do a quick photo edit, A slight crop
Jester why it does it recent past but I canโ€™t remember exactly what it is, might have something to do with the data scrubbing. @babywhisperer14


Yes, it's the stripping of EXIF data for privacy. Phones store orientation data in EXIF, but also things like location & more. Orientation by default is the longest dimension is width, so removing EXIF will leave it with the orientation that way.

Editing the photo before upload & saving it overwrites the actual image info, so it's then oriented in the pixel data itself.

@babywhisperer14 All photo data is stripped from photos (location, date, etc, and orientation goes with it.)


The help goes into it, but 2 solutions work:

1) Make any edit to the img before upload: color pallet, crop, single pixel color change, whatever.

2) turn your phone sideways to take the picture.

Anyway, always check the user guide when things don't work right:

If that doesn't help you, you can always post with the tag or ๐Ÿ™‚

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