Been looking through the users guide to see if there's a way to resize a column. I don't want 4 columns. Great, got rid of 1 and hoped one would expand to take up the space, but non did. Can I make a column double wide? If not, I'm gonna have to leave. I really hate the size of the columns. Way too small.
I am tech inept but you may want to try and use (#) help with your query. I hope that column width is not the only determinant in how you decide whether to use a platform.
@publickovacs I haven't been here in a long time. I stopped by and there was something on the main page with helpful hints. It was strange, really strange the way it was displayed. I read through it. Anyway I finally figured out how to set this up so it's useable for me. It really was a deal breaker.
Hello again! I am delighted to hear you found a way to make the platform work for you.
@allswrightnow i saw people say there is some kind of extension you can use that will let you adjust column sizes and whatnot. However I don't know where to find that info. #help please
@you_mountebank @allswrightnow
I use Stylus to widen columns & increase font size, among other adjustments depending on my needs or desires.
I give information on my day-driver theme (2nd pic) with separate code for the columns/text here:
There's also info on other issues of font-size in the help:
@allswrightnow you can't change the size of the columns. you can zoom in if things are too small for you. but even unpinning a column won't make the rest of the columns wider.