Welp, the Trumpist Fifth Circuit Court just struck down the FCC's Universal Service Fund -- god forbid poor / rural voters have equal access to them there fancy Internets. That entire circuit needs to be flushed like a cockroach in a toilet.
@Razdawg22 Delegation of legislative / taxation authority to the FCC, looks like. (Looking for non-paywalled article right now; please stand by...)
@agunn thank you
@agunn @Razdawg22 striking down the chevron doctrine is already paying dividends for the right.
@agunn I love the process here. Networking companies promise to create rural and poor-area broadband, their lobbyists and donor class lean on bought politicians to give them a bunch of tax breaks, subsidies, money, to build a system.
Then they keep the money and tax breaks, and instruct their legislators to legislate so they don't have to actually build it.
Then they repeat the process.
Oh, and if a small town tries to make their own municipal internet, they sue them for "competing unfairly".
@AskTheDevil Yup! That's the racket, in a nutshell. The whole claim of "competition" in particular.
@agunn what was their "reasoning"?