do women really wave around their pee sticks and put it all over the place when they're checking if they're pregnant?

i get it might tell you good news or bad. but you still peed on the damn thing. why you gotta wave that thing around outside the bathroom?

and why are men touching it?!??! it's a fucking pee stick. ๐Ÿ™„

tv is written to reflect some sort of reality. is this really the reality?!?!?!


it is pee and not plutonium...

ยท 2ยท 0ยท 3

@Xponent_Rob I was thinking similar. It's not *that* bad. Not saying it's pleasant, but generally speaking it's relatively harmless. Some folk drink it. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


@stueytheround @singlemaltgirl

Protip: (That I actually got from a pro)
If you get poop on your hands and can't wash away the smell, use shaving cream.
(Got this from a nurse who does a good bit of endoscopy)

@singlemaltgirl @stueytheround

Or people who change diapers.

(I'm the oldest of 7. Got experience in that regard.)

@Xponent_Rob i never really found that to be a problem and i have changed a lot of diapers in my time. dunno. never been an issue. washing hands seemed to be sufficient.


@stueytheround so what you're saying is if you went over to your friend's place, you would happily eat off the counter that a pee stick had just been on? or casually move a pee stick off a kitchen table before eating?

that's disgusting to me. and i'm not that much of a clean freak. but damn.


@singlemaltgirl I've been a pro cook most of my life and while I wouldn't knowingly serve food with pee, if I saw a used pregnancy test on a table it would not put me off, because I know it's harmless mostly. It's fecal matter and bacteria that's really dangerous and the reason you wash your hands isn't because you might have some pee on your hands, but because you may have *bacteria* or fecal particles on your hands from touching yourself or simply being in a toilet.


@stueytheround oh no, i wash b/c it's pee. just like any other bodily fluid and secretions. i wash to clean them off me. i don't think others would want my snot on them, for instance.

the bacteria is secondary but also a good reason.

but i'm just sayin', ugh.

and i'm not even a clean freak. but damn, peeps.


@singlemaltgirl It's good that you're washing for whatever reason, but trust me, that bacteria is by far the primary reason for washing your hands in all situations. Sneeze, wash off the bacteria. Covid, wash. Dyphtheria, wash. Salmonella? Wash. Typhoid, yep, wash.

Pee? Yes wash because it's not *nice* but it's not particularly going to hurt anyone.


@stueytheround and this is why i don't trust shaking hands w/ peeps. this cavalier attitude about pee. i don't think you're alone in thinking this way. i mean look at the responses to my question.

peeps have cavalier attitudes about shit i don't know to know about. that is why they are disgusting little germ incubators.


@singlemaltgirl It's not cavalier, it's science! I wash my hands because I don't want to get sick or make people sick, but it's not the pee which would make people sick. It's the bacteria. I'm not saying folk shouldn't be careful about hygeine but your refusal to understand the science of WHY we wash our hands is getting on my nerves.


@stueytheround it's not that i don't get the science. where did i dispute the science.

disgust is a mental thing. it is disgusting to have pee around my food. it's why i don't eat in my bathroom. i eat in places that are not my bathroom.

i'm not sure why you don't understand disgust. or why it might be disgusting to people. if someone changed their babies diaper on my kitchen table, i would have a similar reaction. i'm practical about babies - i had one. but damn.


@singlemaltgirl That's a *you* thing. Don't call other people disgusting because they're less disgusted by things than you.

If someone changed their baby's daiper on *my* dining table, I'd be sure to clean it but I wouldn't be disgusted or call them disgusting for doing it.


i am disgusted by other peeps. can i say that? or would you like to censor how i feel about things, too?


@singlemaltgirl @stueytheround

I think my main experience with this kind of disgusting nasty stuff is mainly with having to replace the submersible pump motor in a sewerage ejector pump/sump.
It is concentrated nastiness most times and not very pleasant, but it has to be done and the plumber gets it worse than I do.

So, for me, a matter of perspective.

@stueytheround @singlemaltgirl @Xponent_Rob

Frankly, Iโ€™d be way more concerned about cats walking on the kitchen counters.

@Xponent_Rob yeah, but you don't go waving around the toilet paper you wiped your piss on, do you?

and if you do, i don't wanna know.

@singlemaltgirl conversely, you don't flush a pregnancy test! ๐Ÿ˜œ @Xponent_Rob

@singlemaltgirl Point was you *do* flush toilet paper, so nobody's waving it around ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

@stueytheround and you're supposed to toss your pee stick into the trash. not wave it around and keep it around the house. doh! @Xponent_Rob

@singlemaltgirl Some folk might want to, you know, show their partner!


@stueytheround and you can't leave it in the bathroom and show them there? ๐Ÿค”


@singlemaltgirl @Xponent_Rob
"Darling, I'm pregnant!"
"Are you sure"
"Yes. Look!" *waves pee stick*

@stueytheround oh, i see. waving is the only way to show your partner that you're pregnant.

1. those are disgusting peeps. sorry if you're offended by that.

2. if i was the partner, you could just show me the stick by holding it out for me to see. no?

3. or simply tell me you were pregnant. did i need the proof? i'm sure the ultrasound or the few months later result would confirm things if i needed proof.

just sayin'...


@stueytheround @singlemaltgirl

I suspect I will get hammered if I talk about kissing after oral sex....

@Xponent_Rob well, where you having this sex and is there splooge all over the kitchen table, countertops or other places in the house where you invite friends and family?

don't answer that.


@Xponent_Rob Better use sanitiser before you go down just to be safe. Wouldn't want to get a bit of stray urine on your tongue.
I'm out of this conversation because it's bloody ridiculous at this point.


@stueytheround or you could just, wash?

i guess that would be too polite for your partner. better to be unhygienic, sloppy, dirty, whatever & expect peeps to have sex w. you.

but hey, that wasn't my question. i didn't go to the sex realm. my question stands. and i got my answers. surprising as fuck. but i got my answers.


@singlemaltgirl Even if you wash immediately before sex, your urethra is right next to your clit. The odds on whoever is licking, letting go a drop or two in the heat of the moment are pretty good. Now please quit the judgemental crap.



i could explain why many women are uncomfortable w/ oral sex on them. b/c they don't feel clean. they worry about accidents. much of what you're alluding to. i could also explain why most men don't give of fuck when they're getting oral sex & there's even a word for their level of uncleanliness on their penises.

but i didn't raise this issue.

feel free to block/mute me. i've never claimed not to be judgemental as fuck which was evident in my og question.


@singlemaltgirl Yeah. Take your attitude elsewhere. It's really unwelcome. I eat pussy and I don't expect some unattainable level of cleanliness when I do because I *do* understand the anxiety yet you implied upthread that I go unwashed and don't give a damn. You're a horrible person.


@singlemaltgirl @stueytheround
This is the kind of subject that is rarely discussed and where there are a variety of opinions to be encountered>
Having respect for diverse opinions is easy peasy for me and I have not found anything anyone has said to be offensive.

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