So, for those of you who are up way too early like me.
Couldn't sleep, so got up at 2:30. Figured I'd unpack some more boxes. Made coffee, and while waiting for it, saw something moving along the vinyl wood-like floor.
It was a maggot. There were more. Lots more. Killed 'em as fast as I could, then watched for where they emerged from. Under the DW.
Landlord told me the previous tenants were gross, but yikes. He & his wife cleaned it well before I got here.
I pest sprayed everywhere. Blech
I put it on my calendar to respray every 2 months. Not taking any chances.
Gonna call the landlord later & ask him to help me pull out the DW & fridge to clean behind them.
Can't wait to see what filth is there. I'm totally skeeved out.