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I just wanna extend my warmest Thanksgiving wishes to everyone. Woot!
Except the Trumps.
They can suck on my plums.

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Mac boosted

^^^ You guys make the sandcastles in this place. I provide the sandpit.

I won't ban someone because they hold a different view to another person.

I will take swift action against persistent trolls, targeted harassment, and I'll act faster than anyone else out there.

You guys are in a place that by default filters out foreign influence operations and fake news.

I understand there's PEOPLE and SUBJECTS you might not want to see, and COSO provides the tools for you to NOT see both.


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I’m seeing J’s announcement about CoSo com and “pro”

Did we get told how to sign up for pro or what it’s about?

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ANNOUNCE: In the wake of current events I've reactivated COSOCOM on for non-pro users for the next few days. Web users refresh page, you're good to go >>

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Trump says Abraham Lincoln was skewered by the "fake news" for his Gettysburg Address. But people eventually gave him credit.

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I'm not making anything of this, but John Kelly hasn't issues a denial that he's the Anonymous Op-Ed author... yet. But all these folks (and more) have.

Spent the day fireproofing my Nike gear in case a random klansman tries to firebomb me at the gym.

On top of being a fantastic song, I love the story in the video.

The Decemberists - Once in My Life

The fact that people are burning their shoes in protest of a company who supports someone who protests racial injustice really tells us where we are as a country.

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🚨 Attention
between @RedFalcon and myself continues. Please reply and pick a dish!

Chris: Chicken thighs marinated in a garlic, honey and lime bbq sauce. Baked mac & cheese w/ real cheddar, topped with bread crumbs and real bacon bits.

Jen: Paella: Spanish classic w/chicken, shrimp and zesty chorizo. Fresh peppers, garlic, onions & peas over a bed of saffron rice. Lemon wedges to balance the symphony of flavors.

Now vote!

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So, if I'm reading this right, Muellers counter offer to Rudy is 'go fuck yourself'.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.