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You have my blanket permission to take my words from this platform and use them elsewhere under the following:

-ASK if it's something PERSONAL. If it's a *personal* story, just ask first. It's probably 'No'.

-Do not distort or change the context of my words.

-It's not posted for public profit consumption (IE Buzzfeed, etc) unless it's political/civil rights or positive sex work advocacy related. Otherwise, ask.

That's it. Go nuts. This toot will be pinned.

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Emma Evans boosted

77 minutes into the show, Fox & Friends finally mentions Lev Parnas for the first time since new documents were released two days ago, playing two very brief clips of Parnas saying Robert Hyde is a lying drunk so he can't be believed.

Remember, the GOP hgas disowned Hyde, so Parnas disavowing him actually appears on the surface to benefit the GOP

Emma Evans boosted

@BillyBones @th3j35t3r

My god...

This is devastating, I weep for this country and constitution and who ever the next potus and congress are they should add some fuckin stricter amendments to never ever let this happen again

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Emma Evans

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.