@Helical_Code there's a 5k and a 15k marathon every year in my city (usually late July). I plan on doing the 5k for my long term goal and if I make it through with only a scratch (figuratively speaking) I'm gonna attempt the 15 in '26
@Helical_Code he's still fairly young (63) so he can do it 🤣
@Helical_Code he's in good shape. I think he can still go and the fact that we from student/teacher to friends as adults says a lot. I still can't call him by his first name though. He tells me at this point in life I can (and tried) and it just doesn't seem right to refer to him at Mr (or coach since he was a football coach at the school as well). He's inadvertently coaching again 🤣. So let's hope I hit the weight goal so he can't back out lol.
This is all so great! And you're right - 63 is not too old for a 5K if conditioning has been ongoing. 😀