Things started out well for me. Then I ran out of creatures in my hand and kept drawing lands. Meanwhile, Mrs. Prime kept growing her werewolves power and adding more to the field. She ended up smacking me for 36 and ending the game.
Should have taken a picture of the end state boards, these were close though.
@EnochianEntropy My wife and I just started playing a few months ago. We started with standard to learn the basics and now we started playing commander. Basically your decks are 100 cards, singles only except for basic lands. Your deck should try and fit the theme of your chosen commander and their color identity. It is best played 4v4. We just wanted to get some practice with our commander decks.
@EnochianEntropy I never really knew what it was until 2 or 3 months ago. I love it. I went from no cards to have over 1000 and several decks. It is so much fun.
@ThrasherPrime I’ve been playing since I was a teenager, though I skipped a lot of my 20’s and 30’s.