It really illuminates how the abortion issue isn’t about faith or concern for the “unborn”, but vengeance, and, willful ignorance masquerading as faith and moral “superiority”.
It’s grotesque and will hit them even harder at the voting booth than it already has. I am sure there’s plenty of independents who this is the final straw for and without at least 50% of independents the GOP is screwed on every level of gov and why AssNeck is fcked in November.
One can only hope that indies and never-Trumpers (and disaffected Trumpers) value their (and/or their wives,' daughters') bodily freedom more than they do tax cuts and deregulations...and don't fall prey to any of the laughable "Dems are anti-Christian and pro-Mexican Hamas assassins invading y'all" hoaxes.
First off, no half the country doesn’t want AssNeck again. 2nd… this guys argument towards women’s reproductive health and right over their bodies is literally “so what”.
Let’s run that in every purple and ref and blue state.
MAGA GOP on abortion: