@FoxFire NP. I always was just like Oooo Goldfinch 📸click*, but I use an app called seek by INaturalist and I ran it through the app so it'd add it to my viewed species list and I found out that way.
@StephanieResists Yep, I saw the two white bars on that goldenish body and hollered Goldfinch! I made the same mistake with dandelions and Sow Thistle. Luckily, Sow Thistle is also edible.......
@StephanieResists Well I'll be! I'll have to look closer at the species that comes through in winter! Looks to me I can easily tell the difference between the two, with their beaks, the Goldfinch has a strong beak like the Cardinals, whereas the Pine Finch has the slender beak. Thank you for pointing that out!