I remember now, it's power shell. I'll google that, thanks.

Can someone help me? I keep getting the blue command prompt type box popping up. I don't know what it is called nor how to stop it.

good evening, I thought I'd drop in for a few to see how awesome you all are.

Happy Father's Day to all who play such an important role in children's lives.

What is your opinion on Meta working on a platform to vie with twitter? I'm sorry if you've already discussed this and that I missed it. My apologies.

Gee I didn't know I could boost my own. I was just trying to get the picture to show. Sorry.

100 miles? 1903 they had electric cars using a battery. this one had 5 forward gears and 3 gears reverse. Wonder what the reverse one were.

There is a disportionate gap in getting the word out. Mostly it's jurisdiction issues.Hope this alleviates this problem.


This is just horrid, lets even insurance companies off the hook. What about Drs and nurses saying to you, I'm declining to take care of you? I don't like playing Cowboys and Indians when it's my health treatments involved.


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