@Brisse love this bands music so much.
@Silabus Starset is SOO GOOD. Have you read their novel?
@Brisse didnt know they had a novel. i just know they are a go to band cause i dont think they have a bad son gin my mind. they have a few decent ones but thats the lowest grade i give um. their live shows are amazing and a perfect mix of rock and strings. "perfect machine" and "other worlds than these" are go to songs for me but "Starlight" is a song i want played if i ever have a wedding.
@Silabus This though, it's a must read in my opinion... it has so much lore about the band in it...
@Brisse ok. i will say the only thing i will knock the band on is the over long intros and outros on some songs. like the one on the end of "Trials" do we really need the "step forward for synchonization" and some other songs.
@Silabus to be honest, I like to blast starset in the car just for the outros to come on XD they're my favorite bit of it sometimes.