@Brisse love this bands music so much.
@Silabus Starset is SOO GOOD. Have you read their novel?
@Brisse didnt know they had a novel. i just know they are a go to band cause i dont think they have a bad son gin my mind. they have a few decent ones but thats the lowest grade i give um. their live shows are amazing and a perfect mix of rock and strings. "perfect machine" and "other worlds than these" are go to songs for me but "Starlight" is a song i want played if i ever have a wedding.
@Brisse oh i 100% get that. just suckes when im riding in the car jamming out and that pops up and kills the mood a littl ebit. could do what fort minor did and leave the "story bits so short little snippets between tracks that could be skipped.
@Silabus to be honest, I like to blast starset in the car just for the outros to come on XD they're my favorite bit of it sometimes.
@Silabus Every album of theirs tells a story, every outro is part of that story. The album Trials in on takes place in Facility 23 of the new east, I'm pretty sure that's an announcement inside Facility 23.