this is where I fundamentally differ w/most of society. it's not that "harm reduction" is "too radical," it's that the only meaningful harm reduction IS abstinence. if someone's looking at a substance which is deadly to use & getting deadlier & goes "I'm doing it anyway," I can't save that person. they have chosen death. I don't understand their choice, but if DEATH isn't a deterrent, they cannot be deterred. & if they're choosing death over sobriety, why would I want to make that choice safer?
@dietotaku that’s a bit extreme. Plenty of people do drugs every day and don’t die. DARE was an abject failure. It did nothing but teach me and my fellow classmates all the varieties of drugs out there. I never went harder than weed. Still living after smoking it for 17 years or better. Also 100,000 people a year in this country is 0.0285714286%. Not a rampaging epidemic. Despite what media tries to scaremonger with. Are there dangers with drug use? Yes. Most made worse by our crappy drug policy