Is my younger son asleep?
Is it safe to go to sleep because he can't get into shit? Or leave the house?
I think it's safe.
I think he's asleep.
I'd better go pee first though.
Folks have no idea what this is like.
I know what that's like. I had three children. The oldest, Thomas, died exactly one year ago. He would've been 25 this year. He was a 3rd gen AOS (Agent Orange Sickness) patient, globally challenged, and on borrowed time since birth. My 2nd son hated him, and my youngest both feared and pitied him.
After my children and I fled from their dangerously unstable and abusive father in late 2013, I was their sole caretaker. I could not sleep if any was awake, to protect from eachother.
I'm so very sorry.
Thank you. This is awkward to try to explain, but knowing from day one that a permanent shoe was eventually going to drop, still failed/fails to buffer the loss.
I know what it’s like. Therapist told me my teenage son was dangerous and to lock my bedroom door at night.
He is a successful IT Manager now and happily married. Miracles happen. And therapists can be wrong. Very wrong.
My heart is with you 💔