Hi all! I'm looking for some advice please. Last year I created a custom sticker for an Etsy customer. They were for physical stickers for her subscription boxes. She just messaged me asking for the digital file of that custom design. I never charged her a design fee in the first place so wondering how to handle this. I have since listed that same sticker for sale in my shop. (It's a Bible verse with a flower I created). I do not want to Simply give her the design for free. (Cont)
@ShazzaRazza I would take stock of how much time it took to actually design the sticker and apply that to the price of how much you would sell it for.
If you want to sell her the design, specify the price. If you would rather use the design for other projects, simply say you'll happily make her new stickers for said price, but the design itself was never part of the sale. After all, you're running a business. Think about what's best for you and your business.
Hell N0!
The original design is yours if that customer did not pay for it.
Obviously, you sold them the "rights to reproduce and distribute", but nothing gives them the right to the original design. That is your intellectual property.
If they would like the original art, then give them a price... and make it worth your time.
I may sound like a hard-ass on this, but artist's moral rights are important.
And don't get bamboozled by anyone telling you it must have a copyright to protect your art.
Once an artist creates original artwork, the current copyright law automatically protects it. Even without notice or undergoing the registration process. The author or owner of the artwork has the right, by default, to decide who can use, copy, or reproduce it under conditions set by them.
I went through this years ago someone copied my art & proceeded to copy it and try selling prints.
Hey @ShazzaRazza, how has your custom sticker situation going?
@Mauve_matelot Hi! Thank you so much for thinking of me! Sorry for my delayed response. I need to come in here more often! :) I told the customer that my design is not on offer and left it at that. She never offered $$, I think she thought I'd just give it to her. Maybe I should've sold it to her, no one is buying those stickers lol.
Thanks for responding @ShazzaRazza, you are not alone in being a sporadic visitor to Coso. I am glad you were able to find a solution that feels appropriate to you and your creative efforts.
I am thinking she might want to use it to put on another physical product for her subscription boxes. How do I go about this? Would you offer to sell it to her, and if so for how much? Thank you all, I'm looking forward to your advice!