@yogapaddlerun Listen, I may live here, and have now for nearly two decades, but the term "Minnesota Nice" has a deeper meaning, and you catch it as a transplant.
@yogapaddlerun @SentinelOfTruth I’m a MN original and the passive aggressive back biting “niceness” is deeply ingrained. Better to be Kind than MN Nice.
@annamuneca @yogapaddlerun @SentinelOfTruth, Midwest "nice" is a thing. A comedian outta Wisconsin that my spouse follows sells shirts with that logo.
@yogapaddlerun , same, but even in my tiny, local neighborhood. @SentinelOfTruth
@LadyZurk Right? Even though I was born not that far from here, but just on the other side of an imaginary line. And also I’m no longer from there either. People are weird.
@SentinelOfTruth Yep. I’ve been here over three decades and I’m still considered a transplant. 🤣