Once back in, change your password, and then enable 2FA if not already. Use a TOTP app, not SMS for 2FA. I recommend Ageis for Android; RavioOTP for iOS.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN That seems to happen in waves. I used to get password reset attempt emails daily.
2 factor comes in handy.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I had one this morning for my, now, dormant account but nothing sent from FB when I logged in and checked sent emails.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Strangely, the last few weeks, Facebook bots seem to be having some sort of tempermental issue as well.
Several of my online buddies got restricted for weird things: "imappropriate posts" or posts that were spammy, etc.
I was restricted 2x. The 1st one ... okay. I wrote "mara-lardass" in a tag. Could be considered fat shaming. Not kind of me. Took a couple days to figure out which post it was. The 2nd? I don't even know because they don't tell you which post triggered it.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN It does seem to come in waves.
Along with restrictions, there's the scammers pretending to be "lonely widowers."
Have you been hit on by a 4-star general who happens to be a lonely widower?
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I had the same yesterday, first in quite a while